
Monday, July 25, 2011

The Building


The building looked as if it was eighty years old. Don’t let the fresh paint job fool your retina. The brownish paint on the building peeled easier than a banana already split. It was beyond run-downed once you stepped thru the front doors. Clammy mold and germs filled the air, as if each corner of the building was leased out to bacteria. Each room in the building gave a scent that closely resembling feces and athletes foot. The residents continuously had cold and sinus problems that never got better due to other residents always getting sick. Bed bugs where terrified to enter. The mattress could have been substituted for boulders. Your arm could do a better job as a pillow since what provided has no classification under “Head Rest”.

At night the air conditioning would seems to go off and during the day the stale air would make it impossible to stand the numerous scents in the place. Your body would wake up with more sores than a Boston reds sox fan in the final inning. The shower floor could spawn gangrene when traveled upon at any notice. You could drag your socks on the carpet floor and create more electricity than the wattage given to the light bulbs in the faintly lit building.  
If anyone at the health department ever had a whiff of the location; it would be condemned in a heartbeat. The residents at this facility needed to work or had no choice but to find employment so, they can rise above the rectal aggravation that they must sub-come to at this place. The residence were waited on by staff members who them selves could be mistaken for clients if it wasn’t for their I.D badges that had there names sketched in what look like erasable black marker. Some staff where nice and other where the opposite of it. They seemed to have burn out from working for this establishment but, most just came back from vacation!

The breakfast was comical. Ever heard the term “Green Eggs and Ham” Well….I found them here! I believe people in a third world country had a pantry stocked with more meals then we had to eat each day. Actually I would prefer a tube inserted down my esophagus with a continuous feeding of mashed maggots. If I lost any more weight I could be rich selling my book called “How to starve your-self to slimness; The Dummy Edition” guaranteed results in two weeks or less.

The staff demeanor reminded me of that of children who disrespectful and purposefully engaged in nonsensical behavior. The gossiping that went around this place felt like an episode of “big brother”. The staff should have had more control of words they spread but like the germs in the building they would contribute to the verbal inflammation. They would also endlessly play little mind games just to strut their authoritative power over the clients “So your ready to eat dinner huh?” One staff member said. Giving a look that immediately resembled a fridge that could chain its own doors and add multiply pad locks at the blink of an eye. Of course! I replied not knowing that I just entered into a game of “Emotion Destruction” Where the only winner is the staff negative karma and my psychiatrists couch.

If walking twenty steps and handing out a cold meal that resembled a third grade lunch was a hassle I thought to myself “On any giving day a dinner meal would not satisfy even a drop of my large intestine in producing a terd.” The task was made more complex by the attitude adjustment my mind felt by the staff. If the staff could get away with throwing random articles of food at the clients, I bet… They would. Actually I might even enjoy that kind of activity. It would at least give the residence here some kind of physical fitness.

The people who stayed here where categorized into two sections first were homeless and then we had the rich homeless. The homeless would consist of people who you would meet on the street and never think twice about there residency status. The homeless would become second class citizens in this place do to the fact that they had no military background. The word upset gave no definition for how the homeless felt when they would crave a nicotine fix or when they felt like going as far as the corner store to purchase something to digest.
They would go through a maze of one hundred questions by the staff if there daily pass was not filled for the day. Only to find themselves returning back to there cots angry and upset over the situation at hand. The rich homeless only had the privilege of signing out for pass and going for a nicotine break whenever they pleased. The rich homeless weren’t all snobs’ they just enjoyed the extra freedom provided by the system everyone was trapped into.

The outside area had a basket ball hoop ten feet high that would have grand-mal seizures if the basket-ball did not go directly into the hoop. Also outside was a volley ball net that was bored and seen zero action ever since my arrival. There were also five ceramic benches with a bland peach color and little pieces of what looked like glass imbedded on the bench head board. Two garbage receptacles two shades lighter than the color of the benches, they haven’t been washed since they were placed outside it seems.

Everyone liked smoking cigarettes. The residence used the floor next to the garbage thou to throw out cigarette butts. The sweltering sun dehydrated the residence feeling of being outside. I think the shade mad a deal with the sun since it was even causing people apparel to sweat. You could see some people with sweat stains and a minute has not even elapsed outside. Some could only get three puff of a cigarette because; they shared there fix with the sun. The residence enjoyed the shaded areas I enjoyed watching them get shares sixty flavor of carcinogens for the most part.

A zoo…… No! Even rabid animals with the mentality of a peanut have more respect than the representatives of this place. The place that I’m referring to is “The Triage Low Demand Shelter”. An Organization that is ran by the Salvation Army but, even a higher power would tell them “P…l…e…a…s…e!” “R…e…p…e…n…t”.

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