Since the beginning of human kind there has been a primary instinct to protect our mate and offspring.” Findings suggest that a biological background positive for mental disorders appears to be associated with an increased risk of violent offending in the children”(Tehrani, A. Jasmine, Mednick A. Sarnoff. N.D).
Biosocial theory can be described in three broad groups like the Biochemical factor which can sometimes be determined even before birth like an alcoholic mother, Neurological problems with children who suffer from ADHD, Genetic abnormalities which involve having one or more parents who engaged in criminal activates or social surroundings, childhood backgrounds play a key role. Is there a link between these factors and they way some behave in society? We can say that a person growing up in an abusive home being may themselves be victims of crimes or perpetrators but can lack of vitamins or can a poor diet lead people with behavior disorder to act out against their better judgment?
We make decision based on are perception of right and wrong don’t we? Many species find grazing location season after season life after life. They seem to be programmed with automatic GPS memory. Young brains can be heavily influenced by music and seen on TV. Damage to children occurs from parents who consumed alcohol while pregnant has shown to lead to defects in fetus. Children who grow up with ADHD exhibit early signs of lack for authority. About 3 percent suffer from this. Alcohol is already kwon to damage brain cells short circuit the growth of those cells which influence antisocial behavior.
In the case of Daryl Atkins VS U.S Supreme Court they ruled the execution of the mentally retarded unconstitutional (Larry J. Siegel, 2009). Should the mentally ill have to register for being unstable and given psychological treatment? Is there a definite answer to figure out if someone is really functioning with little brain function? Is there a way to spot a brain functioning improperly when a child is still in the growing stages of brain development?
What is the missing link between biochemical in the brain and crime? It’s highly documented that males have more testosterone than there females counterpart. In adolescence males can lead to increased aggression. Family life growing up in an abusive surrounding can sink very deeply in a teens mind some-how crippling their ability to function properly. What is the most effective way to deal with a biosocial dysfunction that may be the case of criminal coming out the pasture?
With environmental condition it’s possible that where we live and how we grow up can turn a person in society to act in a severe behavior. Children forced to grow up in crime ridden neighborhoods suffer a ripple effect generation after next. To carry the burden of being statistically drawn to crime oh the horror! Imagine social motivated crime due to society or lust for drama and reality. Could it be having been an environment of living in a poor area of the state? In a study conducted by J. Philippe Rushton” twins who grow up with adoptive parents carry out behavior of their genetic parents”(J. Philippe Rushton, N.D).
Social environments can play a role into how adolescents mature into today’s cultures and whether they will become a future generation of criminals. The social structure can either enable or disassemble an individual motive. All individuals are taught that crime is bad or told that it’s socially wrong. If you are exposed to crime, are you more likely to commit a crime? Television, a motivating factor with repeat ion of advertisement and movies the criminals seem to possess a power greater than that of the highest Supreme Court judge.
The peer groups that an individual follows in their child to teen years can make them live a life of crime. If good and bad behavior is not taught at home before one make a turn to social independence it can have a negative effect on their lives later down the road. The people you associate yourself with plays a key role on whether you fall into a pattern of criminal activity.
The columbine high school massacre is an example of a mixture of factors that built into uncontrollable actions. Without a sound way of capturing a deficiency before an incident can occur. Many schools are now unknowingly becoming the trademark location for teen aggression. How can one attention impact a nation in a signal blow? Was he mentally insane or just living in a world unfamiliar to actuality? One of the most dangerous places is the public school building. Improper diet from pre-k all the way to 12th could be leading our children on a vitamin and mineral free meal. Issue needs to be addressed about school.
“The positive stage of human social development, states people embrace rational scientific explanation for observed phenomena” (Garry Jacobs, Harlan Cleveland, 1999). We may actually be preprogrammed to behave outlandish which is progressed even further by social environmental elements. One must ask how it is possible if behavior is learned. If there is a biological predisposition to crime it’s still to be determined and understood.
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