
Thursday, July 28, 2011


Eyedentity undefined
Monsters well-portrayed by cultural misidentity
More complex than valued judgment
Focus of public discussion prone to verbal slavery
Similar to similarities unspecified
Physical identity cloaked & disabled to the word worst

Fist full of Tears

Fist full of pain
A fist full of tears
Clutch a culture stuck in the rear
My fist full of tears
Soaks my brother on the raft
Freedom at a glance
Liquid rounds traps like quick sand
Fist full of tears
Bottles my brothers hopes
 Fist full of tears
Help bridge a broken gap
Fist full of tears
A home sea home to the dead and gone

Monday, July 25, 2011

Lunar Birth

Night on the moon
My surrogate rock planet
I escape a cluttered earth
Night on the moon
I vehemently pray for mother earth
My tears watermark the dirt
Night on the moon
She harmoniously dances with the stars
Digesting life solar energy
Nights on the moon
Always feels lived short
My nights on the moon
Cease when I wake up

Birth of Trinity

 Trinity Avalyn
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, There are 4.1 child births a second around the world. That would amount to about two-hundred and forty-five babies every sixty seconds! If you count to ten, that’s about forty babies world wide each time. These statistics are astounding and surprising. On October 8th 2009 it was Tera and my-self turn at having that joyous occasion.
            That early morning as it is clear in my mind was great. As I awoke lying next to the mother of my child was just an invigorating feeling. Tera would always wake up with the smile of a saint. Her long jet black hair and red highlights just illuminated her appearance. At the same time I knew not to cross her because she can put on a face meaner than Mike Tyson on ear days. Her stature was no bigger than four feet eleven inches. At nine moths pregnant she was full of more hormones than Barry Bonds. Her attitude and demeanor was the size of Goliath. Maybe it was her nerves because she had a doctor appointment at 10am that morning.
Outside the Florida weather was perfect as it always is in the sunshine state. The morning dew  still covered over the grass and condensation consumed all the cars in the parking lot of our apartment complex. We both knew at that time are little newborn was arriving any day. As I light up my Newport I understood I had to quit. Tera would stand right across from me disgusted by the fumes emanating from the cigarette. She would give the look that would freeze even Cleopatra. We all have seen the early morning infomercials ads on the dangers of inhaling toxins. I understood why her facial expressions had to be intense with me; her stare would feel like I was melting. Every time I endangered my body I got the look of death.
Later that morning as clear as a pregnancy manual would dictate, Tera was feeling cramps and indigestion. No big deal, I thought, the doctor appointment was just minutes away. Trinity would arrive in a couple more days I told her. She gathered her vital essentials, purse, keys, Starbucks vanilla coffee, and was on her way for a check up. As a concerned proud father that I was it was more than worry that shivered down my spine. As if I was carrying for nine months, I began to start circling and pacing the house back and forth. I could feel the static start to build up on the carpet as I scurried about nervously. I had a feeling that something wasn’t right. Why hasn’t she called me or even text me! It feels like almost an hour and a half went by and no phone call. I could start my own electric company by the time I was done pacing.
Finally, my phone went off. I couldn’t have answered the call any faster. Tera also couldn’t have spoken anymore nervously and fast. She said “I told the doctor I had fluid come out! He said it might just be urine. They checked my blood pressure it was high and I was having slight contractions! I need to go to the hospital right now for testing”. I replied “Slight contractions, Oh boy!” Here we go I thought?  It might be time for Trinity’s arrival.
As worried as my partner was throughout the pregnancy, Trinity’s bags were packed two weeks before her last appointment. As I looked at realize the mounds of luggage I had to load it felt like I was going in a cross country vacation. Two huge cases of clothes packed neatly and in order from newborn to two months, a diaper bag which was over filled with a mix of bibs, cloths and toys. While Tera drove to the hospital I could only imagine the speed she had traveled to get there. I felt like I was on a crazy Japanese game show as I rush in and out the apartment. First load- packed in car, second load done, third load packed. Great! The sweat on my body had already soaked my undershirt. The sweat on my hands fumbled the keys around as I tried to start the car.
The hospital trip was a dread. Cape Coral hospital Yuk! If I had only heard good things about the hospital facility I would be fine. The building looked like it could have been built in the late forties. The outside exterior had its pale white and blue colors on the building. It could definitely use an upgrade in appearance. I just couldn’t envision a good rest at this place. It wasn’t exactly the Ritz Hotel or Health Park hospital for that matter. As I pulled into the parking lot. Of course- the parking lot was full. The huge pot holes weren’t easy on my car.Another thought ran through my head- "My mechanic is going to love my next visit". "Who would come here?"" My goodness how many people are giving birth today?" It’s fully loaded.
Inside the hospital was the usual desolate scene of quietness, followed by an aroma of coffee and disinfectant. Her room was located on the west side of the second floor just a couple feet away from the nurses break area. I can definitely say I was not in the right state of mind. I was a wreck lugging bags around the second floor of the building. Room 214 I will always remember because it took me three or four go around before I found it. I still don’t understand how I missed the room number it had bright green sign with jumbo lettering. To my surprise the hospital room seemed comfortable. It’s Not like something you would see on sitcom but it was at least worth the two star rating I would have given them if they had comment cards. The size was medium at best with the familiar hospital decor, 13 inch TV on a swivel that was fastened to a bright pink dresser draw that was filled with hospital goodies, flowered drapes like at grandma house, two couches one against the window and one next to the tall hospital bed. The couches looked appealing until you sat down on them. I debated whether the floor would be better suited for me.
At this time the nurses had already started the Pitocin to calm down the contractions that were coming about every thirty seconds. Pitocin must be a wonder drug it affects started immediately. Tera was in a heightened calm state as long as she had her hand on the button to feed her body more of the wonder drug. I can understand why her body was in complete pain she was ready to give birth two days ago. A couple more hours passed by, and at 3pm she was 4cm dilated. At 5pm she was 5cm dilated. Six o’clock passes by then seven o’clock .Wow still at 5cm dilation. The nurses rushing in and out to check on her were wonderful at least while dealing with a woman in this situation. They felt the brunt of the effects as they tried to help her to the bath room. The bed that was too high off the ground for a pregnant woman especially one who stand 4’11 has a catheter and is on Pitocin. A little after 7:30 the nurses tried different positions to get here to dilate further, to all our surprise no luck. The nurses told us the doctor would have to make a decision. If she doesn’t progress further, a c section would be performed. Tera immediately stated” HELL NO! I thought "Everything was going according to plans. You guys are crazy! If you think I want a caesarian section done.”The tone in her voice came louder than a rifle shot.
At fifteen minutes to nine that night exhausted and tired we were being prepared for the C section birth. Tera laid worriedly stretched across the hospital bed as they rolled her into the room which must have been the most sterilized place in the building. The procedure itself was something to see, I was excited for Tera. There must have been four or five surgeons in the room ready to deliver our baby, all who were wearing sterilized gloves and clothing. Tera stared at my eyes with the look of joy as our child would arrive any minute. I was standing up grasping Tera’s hand and trying at the same time to catch a glimpse of the operation. At 9:08 Trinity’s arrival into this world began. Trinity’s size was six pounds four ounces. She had a head full of black hair and she had the loudest ear piercing cry and pale bluish skin. Her eyes which looked glazed over were barely able to open to see her first day in this world.
Think about this fact 14,698 births occur every hour. Imagine that! The birth of a child is an incredible rush of emotions. It will change your demeanor and view of life itself, guaranteed. What has changed for me is my maturity and attitude the day she was written into existence for that I thank her and will love her until infinity. For Tera and myself, Trinity has been everything we could want in a child including a smile that High-Jacks everyone’s attention. She is someone so extravagant, precious and priceless who value has no price and cannot be sold. When a child is born unsuppressed love and affection should await them as they enter an unfamiliar world.

The Building


The building looked as if it was eighty years old. Don’t let the fresh paint job fool your retina. The brownish paint on the building peeled easier than a banana already split. It was beyond run-downed once you stepped thru the front doors. Clammy mold and germs filled the air, as if each corner of the building was leased out to bacteria. Each room in the building gave a scent that closely resembling feces and athletes foot. The residents continuously had cold and sinus problems that never got better due to other residents always getting sick. Bed bugs where terrified to enter. The mattress could have been substituted for boulders. Your arm could do a better job as a pillow since what provided has no classification under “Head Rest”.

At night the air conditioning would seems to go off and during the day the stale air would make it impossible to stand the numerous scents in the place. Your body would wake up with more sores than a Boston reds sox fan in the final inning. The shower floor could spawn gangrene when traveled upon at any notice. You could drag your socks on the carpet floor and create more electricity than the wattage given to the light bulbs in the faintly lit building.  
If anyone at the health department ever had a whiff of the location; it would be condemned in a heartbeat. The residents at this facility needed to work or had no choice but to find employment so, they can rise above the rectal aggravation that they must sub-come to at this place. The residence were waited on by staff members who them selves could be mistaken for clients if it wasn’t for their I.D badges that had there names sketched in what look like erasable black marker. Some staff where nice and other where the opposite of it. They seemed to have burn out from working for this establishment but, most just came back from vacation!

The breakfast was comical. Ever heard the term “Green Eggs and Ham” Well….I found them here! I believe people in a third world country had a pantry stocked with more meals then we had to eat each day. Actually I would prefer a tube inserted down my esophagus with a continuous feeding of mashed maggots. If I lost any more weight I could be rich selling my book called “How to starve your-self to slimness; The Dummy Edition” guaranteed results in two weeks or less.

The staff demeanor reminded me of that of children who disrespectful and purposefully engaged in nonsensical behavior. The gossiping that went around this place felt like an episode of “big brother”. The staff should have had more control of words they spread but like the germs in the building they would contribute to the verbal inflammation. They would also endlessly play little mind games just to strut their authoritative power over the clients “So your ready to eat dinner huh?” One staff member said. Giving a look that immediately resembled a fridge that could chain its own doors and add multiply pad locks at the blink of an eye. Of course! I replied not knowing that I just entered into a game of “Emotion Destruction” Where the only winner is the staff negative karma and my psychiatrists couch.

If walking twenty steps and handing out a cold meal that resembled a third grade lunch was a hassle I thought to myself “On any giving day a dinner meal would not satisfy even a drop of my large intestine in producing a terd.” The task was made more complex by the attitude adjustment my mind felt by the staff. If the staff could get away with throwing random articles of food at the clients, I bet… They would. Actually I might even enjoy that kind of activity. It would at least give the residence here some kind of physical fitness.

The people who stayed here where categorized into two sections first were homeless and then we had the rich homeless. The homeless would consist of people who you would meet on the street and never think twice about there residency status. The homeless would become second class citizens in this place do to the fact that they had no military background. The word upset gave no definition for how the homeless felt when they would crave a nicotine fix or when they felt like going as far as the corner store to purchase something to digest.
They would go through a maze of one hundred questions by the staff if there daily pass was not filled for the day. Only to find themselves returning back to there cots angry and upset over the situation at hand. The rich homeless only had the privilege of signing out for pass and going for a nicotine break whenever they pleased. The rich homeless weren’t all snobs’ they just enjoyed the extra freedom provided by the system everyone was trapped into.

The outside area had a basket ball hoop ten feet high that would have grand-mal seizures if the basket-ball did not go directly into the hoop. Also outside was a volley ball net that was bored and seen zero action ever since my arrival. There were also five ceramic benches with a bland peach color and little pieces of what looked like glass imbedded on the bench head board. Two garbage receptacles two shades lighter than the color of the benches, they haven’t been washed since they were placed outside it seems.

Everyone liked smoking cigarettes. The residence used the floor next to the garbage thou to throw out cigarette butts. The sweltering sun dehydrated the residence feeling of being outside. I think the shade mad a deal with the sun since it was even causing people apparel to sweat. You could see some people with sweat stains and a minute has not even elapsed outside. Some could only get three puff of a cigarette because; they shared there fix with the sun. The residence enjoyed the shaded areas I enjoyed watching them get shares sixty flavor of carcinogens for the most part.

A zoo…… No! Even rabid animals with the mentality of a peanut have more respect than the representatives of this place. The place that I’m referring to is “The Triage Low Demand Shelter”. An Organization that is ran by the Salvation Army but, even a higher power would tell them “P…l…e…a…s…e!” “R…e…p…e…n…t”.

1932 Macon County, Alabama

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
     The city is Macon County, Alabama the year is 1932 you make a dollar a day and you hear "Last chance for free special medical treatment!" wouldn’t you run in line? In today’s times with outrageous prices for medical treatment I would. So you sign up but it’s too bad you can’t read or you’d know that an autopsy needed afterword and you might suffer conditions such as tumors, heart disease, paralysis, blindness, insanity and death. Sounds kinda crazy! But to let it happen in the United States for forty years that’s preposterous or is it. 600 African American males put there trust in the PHS, their doctors and the government and took the deal for special treatment. Enter "The Tuskegee experiment" Blatant lies, deceit, malpractice and needless experimental procedures but... was it all legal or unethical?
Do African American deeply distrust medicine? Can anyone spot the elephant in the room! This study case is not the first case of many shameful episodes in U.S history. Native Americans were given small pox infected blankets.  Horrific incidents continue at U.S. prison camp at Guantanamo Bay. Is the government on a secret genocide mission? The AIDS/HIV counts recently went from 40,000 to 56,300. Why so much misinformation! Still to this day experiments are being conducted without sound judgment and proper consent. What could be the cause in this case a misunderstanding a lack of knowledge or just the blatant thought that one race is superior to another. You think you can have trust in your physician. It’s a scary thought that racism mixed in with money and fame can make a person sway to a certain side. As a physician what’s the rational of given a deadly disease with nothing to cure a patient’s ill's but aspirin. 
Number VII of the "Principles of medical Ethics" states that a physician shall recognize a responsibility to participate in activities contributing to the improvement of the community and the betterment of the public health. (Judson, Harrison, & Hicks, 2006). This is one of many broken procedures that were just ignored. If you ask me there is no scientific reasoning for giving needless pain to families even unborn children. Wife’s who have children who in turn will have kids are affected by this genocide project. The officials in charge of this government-led experiment knew what debilitating symptoms the syphilis virus brings.
    Who gave those government officials legal power to strip away treatment for the medically ill? Uhmm… Sounds like Katrina. Well I guess if you have the power of the government backing you then you’re free to shred the constitution. What is out there for the government to hide? Do they hate the poor? These question concerns me and I find there actions to be very outlandish. In 1932 Follow-up effort organized into study of 399 men with syphilis and 201 without. The men would be given periodic physical assessments and told they were being treated. Robert R. Moton president of Tuskegee University at the time agrees to support study if “Tuskegee gets its full share of the credit"(Centers for Disease control and Prevention.2008).How can any human being turn a blind to eye to this how could their vision be so obscure. They say to benefit humankind it was necessary I say it was "scientific racism" all for the sake of fame.
     When one speaks about informed consent in this case study the doctor’s absolutely in no way shape or form knew the definition of those words. Who in there right state of mind would consent to this kind of medical research if all truths where told. For many participants, treatment was intentionally denied. Many patients were lied to and given placebo treatments—in order to observe the fatal progression of the disease. (Centers for Disease control and Prevention.2008). Keeping information from a patient violates there rights. Number II of the” Principles of Medical Ethics”  states that a physician shall uphold the standards of professionalism, be honest in all professional interactions, and strive to report physicians deficient in character or competence, or who engage in fraud or deception, to appropriate entities.(Judson, Harrison, & Hicks, 2006).
     Not allowing them to seek treatment tricking them into spinal tap…wow I guess there is no honor among thieves. It’s a shame that the medical world at the time could gain support from the surgeon general who himself was on a personal mission to end the venereal disease doesn’t add up correctly To continue for so many years knowing the truth I wonder if anyone stopped and thought about how the infected children would handle something completely over their heads as congenital syphilis.
     Using the term "Bad blood" I wonder whose veins was it actually flowing in? Because a certain race is poor and under educated no one should have let this continue for as long as it did. I guess it goes to show no matter what happens any thing can be legal as long as the government has a say in it. Researching the Tuskegee experiment I believe its events sounds like what happened to the Germans albeit their fight for existence was harsher. . If there any good it would be the National Research Act that was passed into law so proper principles were followed. If population control is what the government wants then for the sake of science they will test anyone and everyone they feel needs its. “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it”. It’s a good thing in today’s time we have the internet...that is until the government finds a way to control that too.

Road Rage

Why do most people who get behind the wheel of a vehicle suddenly feel the effects of road rage? But who hasn’t experienced the effects of road rage. Everyone knows the symptoms when your behind an incredibly slow driver, first you place a vice grip hold on the steering wheel as the lights change from green to red while placing all of your attention on the cars on the left and right of  your car. It’s as if an uncontrollable force snaps you into the mind of Dell Ernhart and the checked flag is raised. Can it be due to stress from working all day, then having to deal with your children who seem as if the school gave them an over dose of chocolate chip cookies and Pepsi. Now you have to not only pay attention to the traffic on road but what seems like never ending chatter of your kids. From what I have experience as a driver it my belief that most divers seen in the city of Cape Coral should be barred from the Department of Motor vehicles. April 20 09

Cartoons not a cartoon

     The television program that I found enjoyable to me as a child was the Saturday morning cartoons that used to air in the 90’s. It’s a very famous carton that stills play today, but as a child I was hooked in front of the television with my cup of cereal religiously every Saturday. My favorite show to watch from that program I would have to say would be the Tom and Jerry.  The show was simple enough cat chases mouse all for the satisfaction of having a complete dinner. The main characters were tom cat and Jerry mouse with sporadic cast of friends for both characters. I am still in love with this show because; Tom cat seems to have a very sophisticated brain for a cat. He would engineer mouse catching devices that would seem as if he spent years at M.I.T. On the other hand Jerry mouse who I believe took pleasure in the game cat and mouse would always find a way to outwit Tom cat constantly. There is a lot of humor in the way the characters interact with one another that’s makes it very special to me. April 20 09

Damn bail out money!!!

  I am going to write about what I have seen on the television in recent days that involves major bank in the United States that receives money. I find it disgusting that the company finds it normal for them to hand out large bonuses to people who should have lost their jobs in the first palace. A.I.G stands for American International Group and they handle different types of insurances. To hand out bonuses after bonuses when I believe they are in part responsible for the disaster that occurred in the housing market as much as all other investors who bought insurance or property it are a crying shame. This is the same company that doesn’t even know if it’s going to survive the end of March 2009, so why the need to hand out money that can easily go struggling home owners facing foreclosure? That’s a question that I feel should be answered to the American public immediately. However the outcome of A.I.G ends I feel that the government and the White House needs more than talk they have to show action against companies that are willing to literally slap tax payers in the face. Let those who cannot handle their companies file for bankruptcy like all other businesses.Either that or we as a nation will realize that it's time to break out the pitch forks.  April 20 09

Blackened Lungs!!

Smoking is estimated to account for the number one cause of lung cancer cases nation wide.  It's chilling to think about not only how smokers poison themselves, but what others are exposed to by breathing in the secondhand smoke. It affects the lives of millions across the world. Smoking is a nasty habit; it will generously contribute to give you Stained teeth, Lung diseases, Bad breath, Malodorous Clothes etc. So how can a smokers quiet and never use again? How have past smokers kicked the can on cigarettes?

     Before you start to quit you should know why it is so addictive to smoke.That is because it produces pleasurable sensations. First since nicotine is absorbed directly into the bloodstream the brain receives an almost instant dose with every puff of a cigarette, that’s the reason when trying to quiet smoking the first thought of having a cigarette should be ignored because your fighting more than cravings. Next nicotine primarily affects the mid-brain the part of the brain that controls moods and emotions.  At this point people who are addicted to smoking must first take heart and acknowledge the psychological side effects and the toxins that travel in and out there body.
If you just started your journey to quieting you might find it extremely difficult not to pick a cigarette. If your a smokers who continue to ignore the facts about nicotine. It might be because you are stressed or upset. First ask yourself does Cigarettes calm me down when I get into a stressful argument? Then ask do I smoke as soon as I wake up or step out the door?  If you found that it alleviates stress and you light one up during the process of stress.That might be because nicotine primarily target area affects the mid-brain that is the part of the brain that controls moods and emotions. You get an instant craving for nicotine as so as stress occurs. Foremost the effects of nicotine are noticed immediately in the body. A great alternative stress reliever is to hold your breath every four second then release. Doing exercise or going for a light jog listen to a favorite song can also get you into a better mood. But the one true way to avoid the effects of cigarette is to just quit.
     During the time your quitting smoking you can calm down the negative feelings or cravings that you have. Some other great alternative can be to try using a patch or chewing gum. Pop in any of you best childhood flavor of gum. Try carrying a pack on you when you start to get cravings. Most people find it useful when giving up smoking. Use the gum to curb side the cravings attacks as soon as they begin. Using the nicotine patch is another choice that I and most have tried. The patch comes in phases that you must complete. I would strongly caution against using the patch, because it provides nicotine into your blood system. There are some side effects to using the patch so be careful and read the warning label. It would be a good idea to get professional medical advice before using a nicotine patch.
     At this point, if you haven’t quit using the patch or gum try to quit cold turkey. This step is not the easiest a can become difficult, because you have to consider that your brain is still craving the pleasure sensation it get from the nicotine. If you find yourself literally dieing to have one try not to reach for a cigarette and see what happens. When you start to go cold turkey cigarettes will cause anxiety and cravings when a person is withheld the nicotine. Cold turkey will work for most individuals who are serious about the side affects of nicotine abuse. It’s a long process that you have to dedicate yourself too. That can take at least up to three weeks before your body can begin to make a turnaround from the toxins.
The final step to quitting is for new comers to tell themselves that, I have to overcome both the physical addiction to nicotine and the association that I have made thought my life between smoking and the pleasurable sensations that arrives after wards. Some will definitely find it more difficult than other smokers to quit. But you must understand that you have the will power to stop and your motivations for quitting will carry you further to that successful goal.


MOTHERHOOD:Is a road traveled under heavy construction.Exits only appear as a mirage in the distance.Lift your weary eye lids and refuel inbetween your young nights and premature mornings.Often joy blends with pain and your eyes bleed heavy rain.The toll you pay to reach your desired location is paid in numerous amounts of back aches,restless nights,growling stomaches and depleted pocketbook.When you find your destination rest without worry knowing that your in a place higher than a castle in the sky.The lord is your neighbor and savior.HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!  MAY 20 09


To all the mothers all across the your child was born in a special world.The day you gave them life onto this earth your mission is to bath them,feed them,teach them, protect them,give them serinty,courage, and wisdom from birth.You raise them to exist in a better generation.A mother LOVE is a bond that sprouts and blossoms with each waking day.Give them guidence, for the only instructions to raise them are found buried inside your heart and stored in your mind.Your child thanks you and so do I.The only wrong choice is the one not made.Happy Mothers Day!! Today,tomorrow and for eternity.  MAY 20 09


Should Students Pass or Fail?
    With cultures old and new. A question that’s been raised before many are should students pass or fail? Are they actually learning in school?  In the article “To praise the F word” Mary Sherry answers her view on this issue. Some might say this is a family problem. That the parents have to make these kids understand the material given to them to take home and it’s not an issue for the school. From the image of a twenty-five year old, I will say that she is exactly on point with her opinion about school handing down diplomas like doughnuts.       
  I also feel there are more problems also. In the twenty fist century that the situation most kids find today. We have to handle the economy in the paraplegic status and the fact that states are ready to fire teachers. These same teachers who are willing to work even though they are heavily underpaid not supplied with the correct material. There is no motivation to teach when you feel that you will be walking the unemployment line any day of the week. An Outrageous amount of school, have kids graduating because they have outstanding attendance. In today inner city school getting passed high school is as easy as signing up and just showing up for class.
   At least that what I’ve seen since I last attended high school in 2001 .That’s what I noticed when my brother and sister had their experience with school. I’ve known many of my friends graduate asking the same questions that Mary Sherry students would ask.”I don’t know how I did it but I graduated”. Those were the exact word spoken by one of my good friends the day we walked of stage.
   One under rated skill is Physical Education training. This is not a bad skill but there is more to Physical training than running one mile and playing baseball in the sun. School should give classes on the importance of abstaining from drugs and eating healthy so they can carry it with them thought-out there lives. Today’s kids are on an unhealthy eating habit and the schools are not helping the matter. But it’s more than Physical Education that’s just a pebble in the lake compared to the other subjects that are being learned.
   Teachers should actual stand up all get united and start turning are generations life around. Basic skills like reading and writing need to be enforced. More time should be given to theses area also .With some schools having six periods a day class is over before it begins. How would you get the attention of an adolescence to take history homework or reading homework serious?
   I say it passed time to drop the hammer down on all schools nationwide and start failing the kids who really need to understand the materials to further their success in life. I hate to picture us setting them up for failure because they are the ones that will be running this county when we get older .If we don’t pass or fail in the real world are kids will be severely hurt because they were just pushed along the side also because of inability to act.
  April  21 09